Neshaminy Creek Punkless Dunkel
You may know this beer by it’s previous name, Punkel Dunkel Pumpkin Wheat Ale. ¬†It’s also been called a lot of other names as well: Pumpkin Dunkel, Pumpkinweizen, etc. ¬†Whatever you’ve called it in the past, we know that regardless of what it’s called, this is one of the most popular, if not the most popular seasonal beer we make. ¬†When we set out to create what we hoped was a unique pumpkin beer we decided to brew an imperial version of our Dunks Ferry Dunkelweizen, but in an unabashedly American way by adding pumpkin to the mash and your favorite pumpkin pie spices to the kettle. We add dark brown sugar, cinnamon, nutmeg, and allspice to the boil as well to pair with the banana esters and spicy clove imparted by the yeast during fermentation. At 8.8% ABV it’s no slouch either. Always released after Labor Day, Punkless Dunkel doesn’t last long as the crisp Autumn nights make way to Winter just around the corner. ¬†Do the seasons even change in Texas?
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