12oz Bottles (4/6 pack)
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12oz Bottles (2/12 pack)
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Sixtel Keg (1/6 Barrel)
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Keg (1/2 Barrel)
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Esquire Magazine calls our 90 Minute I.I.PA., “perhaps the best I.P.A. in America.” An Imperial I.P.A. brewed to be savored from a snifter. A big beer with a great malt backbone that stands up to the extreme hopping rate. This beer is an excellent candidate for use with Randall The Enamel Animal! 90 ibu
Tasting Notes: Brandied fruitcake, raisiney, citrusy.
Food Pairing recommendations: Pork chops, beef, grilled fish, frites, focaccia, split pea soup, Stilton cheese & escargot.
Glassware recommendation: Snifter
Wine comparable: Sauvignon Blanc
In case you care… the average 12 oz. serving has 294 calories.