Bass Stout
Since 1889, the distinctive caramel malt of Bass Pale Ale has been at the heart of a pub staple known as the Black & Tan. With the Introduction of Bass Stout, there’s now a perfect stout to pair it with. With its robust flavor of roasted barley, black and chocolate malts and the earthy aroma of England’s legendary Fuggle hops, Bass Stout is sure to please the most fervent stout lover. Bass is pleased to offer Bass Stout in Black & Tan ‚ÄúPub Kit‚Äù 6 packs, which feature three Bass Stouts and three Bass Original Pale Ales. The Bass Black & Tan ‚ÄúPub Kit‚Äù launches launches this fall, also on November 19, 2012. Profile: 4.2% ABV, a non nitrogeneated robust flavored Stout brewed with roasted barley, black and chocolate malts and England’s legendary Fuggle hops.
English StoutABV:
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